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My name is Jessica Washington I enjoy giving God praise for each day I see. Thanks to him for current & future blessings. I enjoy fashion! I love how you can switch it up&be different!!! I also,love cruising through others fashion life! I'm an educator. I love teaching & building relationships with my students. Such a joy!!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

blog assignment one

Did you know??:
This video points out current events that take place in today's society that citizens do not pay attention to. The main topic that caught my eye was when the video compared American students to students in China. It stated how China have more honor students than American students. This can be caused by many reasons. For example: Depending on the family background about education beliefs has a lot to do with this idea. In one family education is very important and in another family it my not be as important. The video also points out how citizens keep their jobs less than five years. This was a big eye opener for me. This is so very true in today's society. The world is moving very rapidly and changes every year. Business open for a couple of years then closes down a couple years later.

Mr. Wrinkle Wakes:
Mr. Wrinkle in this video make very important points on how important a student's education is. He looks from two different prospectives. one in the school and the other at the hospitals. He goes into detail about how the hospitals had all this wonderful and new technologies being used. He is very detailed in his observations as he walks through the buildings. The video paints a good mental picture of how the schools should be and not be. When, he goes into the school he finds out that the schools have the same set up as it was in his time. Students were just sitting at the desk and listening to the lecture. It is more to education than just paper and pencil. I got a lot form this video. But, the main thing I got from it was that students should be challenged.

Ken Robinson:
I really enjoyed Mr. Robinson presentation, it outlined ways to encourage education and how to make it enjoyable. The topic that caught my attention was about students making mistakes. He makes a good point about this topic. He discusses how making mistakes are part of learning and should not be taken out of proportion if it happens in the classroom. He also, states yelling at the student is not a good idea either. Just encourage the student by helping them through the problem. Another, good topic was about allowing the student to be creative. This is such a good point. The students should be allowed to express themselves so they can be comfortable. Being creative also shows his or her abilities in any subjects. I am going to take this idea and run with it and use it in my classroom. Thanks Mr. Robinson.

Harness your digital smarts:
Mrs. Davis does a good job at coming up with a diverse way of teaching her students. I also, love how she show her passion for helping students learn. She makes a good point, when she stated that teaching students come from more than just paper and pencil. Mrs. Davis focus on hands on actives and that always get the students attention when they are just not in one spot. Her class is based on learning how to use many and different technologies. I really like the idea stating that teachers do not have to know everything. Also, that having students teach the instructor some things is fine to. She also, paints a good picture of how instructor should have a passion for what they do. Not just to take a job but, do it because you enjoy doing it.

1 comment:

  1. Jessica,

    You make a good point about challenging students. In this new technology age, students have so many new tools to explore the world. Take this class for example, the paper and pencil model has been pushed to the side and everything is done with the internet and technology. Students are challenged in a way that allows them to be creative. I think we are moving into a bold new world of education and we are going to be part of that future!
