About Me

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My name is Jessica Washington I enjoy giving God praise for each day I see. Thanks to him for current & future blessings. I enjoy fashion! I love how you can switch it up&be different!!! I also,love cruising through others fashion life! I'm an educator. I love teaching & building relationships with my students. Such a joy!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

bog post 12

Zax: North/South direction:

This video was an good example of how some educators or mangers do not want to move from the same way of doing something. Change is always good. Some people get so use to doing things one way their whole life they do not want to change. The video also points out the world is going to continue to move on even if you do not keep up.

PS 22 Video:

This video was also a good eye opener for future educators. It showed how students good work should be published and praised. Praising student work allows them to do better in school and with their future endeavors. The video also allowed the students to express themselves through music. The students really enjoyed what they were doing you could tell by how they were so emotionally into the song.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you said that about praising student work! That is so true!

    Brooksy Allen
